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Thursday 3 September 2020

Uzbekistan Resumes Regular Flights with 5 Countries


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TASHKENT (Xinhua) — Uzbekistan will step-by-step resume regular flights to the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan starting from September 4, the national air carrier Uzbekistan Airways said Thursday.

Passengers arriving from those countries will have to provide a certificate, in English or Russian, with a negative test result for COVID-19 and sign a paper with a commitment to 14-day self-isolation, the airliner said.

Uzbekistan has further eased COVID-19 lockdown measures this week, allowing theatres, cinema halls, restaurants and cafes to reopen from September 5 with strict sanitary rules. However, weddings and other family ceremonies can only be held at home with no more than 30 guests and a ban on mass gatherings, beauty salons and nightclubs will remain in place, the authorities said.

Uzbekistan has so far registered 42,635 COVID-19 cases, with 331 deaths and 39,883 recoveries.

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