TASHKENT (UzReport) – The brand new Uzbekistan Airways’ Boeing 787 Dreamliner has landed in Tashkent.
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Home > Uzbekistan > Uzbekistan Airways’ Dreamliner Landed in Tashkent
TASHKENT (UzReport) – The brand new Uzbekistan Airways’ Boeing 787 Dreamliner has landed in Tashkent.
Me-262 (7 May 2021, 22:09)
The Dreamliner (aka B787) is probably the last good plane Boeing will ever make. Boeing’s future in civil aviation is very bleak. They will probably give up this market and concentrate on military and space. Airbus will monopolise the civil aviation market. There are also the Chinese coming in.
Stephen (7 May 2021, 22:56)
No, Boeing will not leave commercial aviation. First of all, there is no company that could take over Boeing’s civil aviation division. Secondly, the Boeing fleet is huge and generates a lot of revenue in services and parts. But it is certain that there will be restructuring at both Boeing and Airbus, and above all at Embraer.
Pierre Paul (8 May 2021, 00:31)
This plane is really beautiful. It is without doubt one of the best technological achievements and yet nothing will replace the affection I have when I see an A380.
Umid Ahmadof (8 May 2021, 18:32)
In Soviet times the number of Tashkent-Urgench-Tashkent flights was up to seven per day. And now, almost the entire fleet is idle, but only one flight a day, despite the huge demand due to the long distance between the cities.