TASHKENT (UzReport) — The Finance Ministry of Uzbekistan has published a draft resolution on the revision of the minimum prices for alcoholic beverages.
According to the document, the minimum wholesale and retail prices for 1 litre of finished products for producers are proposed to be set as follows:
- Wine: 11200-13200 soums (currently 9400-11200 soums);
- Cognac: 41200-49400 soums (currently 33000-39000 soums);
- Vodka and other alcoholic beverages: 28600-34400 soums (currently 24000-28500 soums).
Beer will not be affected by the increase.
In 2019, the government took legislative measures in the interest of creating a fundamental change in the system of control and regulation of alcoholic beverages, as well as the development of viticulture and winemaking. A Presidential decree entitled About Measures for Enhancement of Regulation of Production and Turnover of Alcoholic and Tobacco Products, and also Development of Wine Growing and Winemaking was then adopted, giving further impetus to efforts to improve Uzbekistan’s wine industry and alcoholic drinks sales.
murad khan yasser (4 March 2021, 14:02)
Drink water, it’s free and healthy.
Nader (4 March 2021, 16:24)
Typical muslim comment.
mahboba (4 March 2021, 18:01)
YES, this is typical Muslim WISDOM. Now, you re free to kill yourself by drinking alcohol.
BTW, "Nader" is a muslim name. Are you shia? iranian?
Nader (5 March 2021, 00:33)
I’m not shia, nor muslim, nor any other thing. Wake up, this is the 21st century.
mahboba (5 March 2021, 11:37)
So you’re iranian! I lived in Mashad for 3 years. Iranians are not muslim they are worse than unbilievers . I dont understand why they made an "Islamic" revolution You ate a wiered pipole.