Thursday 16 January 2020
Uzbekistan Adheres to the European Agreement on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
TASHKENT ( — Uzbekistan joins the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. The corresponding decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev is published on the portal.
“Uzbekistan accedes to the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (Geneva, 30 September 1957)”, indicates the text of the document. The competent authorities of Uzbekistan responsible for the implementation of this Agreement are the Ministries of Transport and Internal Affairs.
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) was done at Geneva on 30 September 1957 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and it entered into force on 29 January 1968. The Agreement itself was amended by the Protocol amending article 14 (3) done at New York on 21 August 1975, which entered into force on 19 April 1985.
The Agreement itself is short and simple. The key article is the second, which say that apart from some excessively dangerous goods, other dangerous goods may be carried internationally in road vehicles subject to compliance with:
- the conditions laid down in Annex A for the goods in question, in particular as regards their packaging and labelling; and
- the conditions laid down in Annex B, in particular as regards the construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying the goods in question.