Home > Afghanistan > Trump to Discuss on Afghanistan with NATO Alies

Friday 6 July 2018

Trump to Discuss on Afghanistan with NATO Alies


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WASHINGTON (White House) — US President Donald Trump is due in Brussels, the Belgian capital, next week to hold ‘a special meeting on Afghanistan’ with NATO allies.

Trump’s meeting with partner countries on the war-torn country has been scheduled for July 12 on the sidelines of the NATO summit, a senior administration official told reporters during a conference.

The official said the US president as part of his new strategy in Afghanistan would ask allies and partners to extend funding for the security forces. “And to have a conditions-based operation that will provide that we will stay the course in Afghanistan and help the Afghan forces with training and advising to bring peace and stability to that country”, the official said.

Last Tuesday, Mr. Stoltenberg and Spain Prime Minister Sánchez discussed the Summit in Brussels, where NATO leaders will take decisions to further strengthen the Alliance, increasing the readiness of Allied forces, improving NATO’s command structure and strengthening NATO-EU cooperation. The Secretary General stressed that NATO will do even more to combat terrorism, with continued commitments to Afghanistan and a new training mission in Iraq.

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