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Sunday 8 March 2015

Afghanistan: Japan Donates $20 mln for Urban Infrastructure Programme


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KABUL (Pajhwok) – The government of Japan would provide a total amount of $20 mln of grant assistance to Afghanistan through UN-Habitat for its Community-Led Urban Infrastructure Programme in five cities including Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad.

A statement from the Japan Embassy said on Monday the programme responds to the urgent needs of recently displaced people, demobilized combatants and returnees through further empowering communities, enhancing their access to basic services and improving their livelihoods.

The statement said that the UN-Habitat would address the urgent needs of those most vulnerable households through the establishment of Community Development Councils to upgrade underserviced areas in order to avoid disillusions and frustrations and reduce the risk that those households are falling back in illicit and insurgent activities.

In total, approximately 236,000 people will benefit from this program.

UN-Habitat, with generous contribution from the government of Japan, continues to support urban development by strengthening municipalities to deliver basic services through engaging communities and creating solidarity among citizens.

Japan has been assisting Afghanistan’s nation-building efforts in various fields including security, education, health, culture, humanitarian assistance, agriculture, infrastructure and its capacity development. Cumulative Japanese assistance to Afghanistan since 2001 amounts $5.78 bln.

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