- Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf
- Former military officer, formerly Iran’s Chief of police from 2000 to 2005 and commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ Air Force from 1997 to 2000. He also held office as the Mayor of Tehran from 2005 to 2017.
Since his accession to power, Vladimir Putin has been meticulously advancing his plan to make Iran a satellite fully under Russian control, just like Tajikistan or Armenia. However, following the execution of General Soleimani by the US army under the express order of President Trump, this plan had come to a standstill. You might ask “Why”? Simply because the late General was a key part of it.
General Soleimani enjoyed an excessive media coverage compared to his real feats of arms, which were largely myths rather than realities. He was a handsome man and very photogenic. Putin had invested a lot in him to make a successor to the Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei when the time came.
Anyone who knows Russia knows the Russians’ aversion to Islam. For Putin, there is no question that a fundamentalist country like the Islamic Republic of Iran integrate the EAEU with the present state of its institutions. The fact that Iran is Shiite does not change anything in the equation.
Putin has been preparing for the change for a long time. Ahmadinejad, the first non-clerical President in decades, was part of this process. However, in spite of his striking statements, Ahmadinejad did not have the stature and character to make the big leap. The Russians needed a military like Soleimani.
The real motivation for the suppression of Soleimani is most likely the will to thwart Putin’s plan.
Today the Russians need a substitute who, in my opinion, is none other than this Ghalibaf.
Sooner or later the Supreme Guide will no longer be around. Either he dies from his long illness or he retires for health reasons. There are rumours that he would leave for treatment in St. Petersburg. Either way, the function of the Supreme Guide will be abolished and a secular man like Ghalibaf will be placed as President for life, just like in Central Asia or Azerbaijan.
This scenario, if it will not help American affairs, will certainly relieve the Arab World, which will see Iran move away from the Persian Gulf to isolate itself in the Caspian Sea.
That said, Persians are not easy and predictable, not to say reliable people. Russians and Anglo-Americans have largely experienced this in the past. ■
vatanforoosh (11 February 2021, 20:01)
عمو قالبباف! بعله...؟ قالی منو بافتی...؟ بعله...! پشت کوه انداختی...؟ بعله...! پوتین اومده...! چی چی آورده...؟ نخود و کشمش...! بخور و بیا...!
Yahya (11 February 2021, 21:37)
Seriously, you guys are making ABSOLUTE FOOLS of yourselves if you believe this nonsense. Leaves me asking, are y’all retarded or are ya just lying to your idiot readers!!?
وحید خان (12 February 2021, 23:54)
پوتین سگ کی باشه که بخواد از این غلطا بکنه
F. Hamilton (13 February 2021, 05:05)
Interesting theory, but based on little or nothing.
به تو چه (28 February 2021, 12:42)
این سایت بوی صهونیستی میده
yek_irooni (5 March 2021, 18:20)
من میگم این سایت اتفاقن خیلی بوی جمهوری اسلامی میده
سعید قاضی (6 March 2021, 15:05)
یکی از رفقا لینک این مقاله را برام فرستاد سفازش کرد بخون جالبه.دروغ چرا انگلیسیم اون مقذار نیست که همه مقاله را بفهمم اما خدا شاهده که این سردار قالیباف وقتی شهردار تهران بود خیلی ابادانی کرد مرد با لیاقتیه چه حوب بود ایشون جای این روحانی خالی بند رییس چمهور میشد
aadam hesabi (6 March 2021, 16:49)
این سایت خیلی تخمی است و نویسندگانش بسیار کیری تشریف دارند
Banned from Facebook (6 March 2021, 18:19)
Why on earth on an Englishlanguage site you post comments in Arabic! There not even a translate button.
mahboba (6 March 2021, 20:37)
you’re really ignorant. this is persian and not arabic.
Banned from Facebook (7 March 2021, 13:06)
I know I know. Persian, Arabic, urdu... same shit.
Banned from Facebook (7 March 2021, 13:13)
Once, I banged a Persian chick. Nice tits, but they’re hairy, right down to the arse.
Samir Harran (8 March 2021, 06:11)
ما هذه اللغه ماشاء
Texan Expat (16 March 2021, 23:54)
The path of Iran is well defined, the future path is well defined. Iran is imploding. Iran is in a terrible situation and the international media, the World Bank, the IMF show all erroneous information about Iran. Iran has been going downhill since the time the Shah left Iran. Its institutions are falling apart, its economy is getting worse by the day, and all we have today is a very fanatic person ruling that country. And he is going to continue to do more things to correct the problems and he will do those things that led us to those problems in the first place.
Which means that the situation will just get worse, and worse because again; he is an irrational person and his actions will take Iran to a worse situation. Now, if I were a voter in Iran, who would I have voted for? I would have actually voted for the current leader. And the reason is that other people would have been even worse. And that is how bad, headless and brain-dead the leadership of that country is today.
Mahtab (20 March 2021, 21:25)
In order to have the rule of law in a society, the population needs a high IQ. Iranians’s IQ has fallen so sharply since 1979...
Zand (15 April 2021, 07:55)
There is currently a false belief that, after more than 40 years of existence, the Islamic Republic of Iran is stabilised and will last for many more years. I can tell from here in Iran that this is not the case. There are more and more defections within the regime. The worst enemies of this regime are the people inside it. I don’t believe in reforms, I think there will be a collapse, exactly the same way as in the USSR.
Frank Scott (16 May 2021, 17:47)
The clergy in Iran will never let that happen. There will always be a clergyman as Supreme Leader, even if a strong man, such as a military man, is placed as president. Not even Russia can change this. Any shift in the current power structure in Iran requires a revolutionary movement, but despite appearances, Iran is not ready for such an action. I don’t see a bright future for this country.