Although compatible with a trend across the Middle East, the survey’s results based on 50,000 respondents, who overwhelmingly said they resided in the Islamic republic, suggested that Iranians were in the frontlines of the region’s quest for religious change.
The trend puts a dent in the efforts of Iran as well as its rivals, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates, that are competing for religious soft power and leadership of the Muslim world.
Among the rivals, the UAE, populated in majority by non-nationals, is the only one to start acknowledging changing attitudes and demographic realities. Authorities in November lifted the ban on consumption of alcohol and cohabitation among unmarried couples.
- How have your religious (or non-religious) beliefs changed during your lifetime?
- Respondents were asked about the changes in their religious or non-religious beliefs (bāvar-i dīnī yā bī‘dīnī) during their lifetime. This figure shows that 47% of the population reported having transitioned from being religious to non-religious (az dīn‘dārī bih bī‘dīnī risīdah‘am). Additionally, 41% reported that their beliefs (bāvar-i man) did not change significantly throughout their lifetime. While 6% declared that they had become religious after being non-religious, approximately the same percentage reported that they converted from one religious orientation (girāyish-i dīnī) to another.
(Click to enlarge)
Nonetheless, the change in attitudes threatens to undercut the efforts of Iran as well as its Middle Eastern competitors to cement their individual interpretations of Islam as the Muslim world’s dominant narrative by rejecting religious dogma and formalistic and ritualistic religious practice propagated and/or imposed by governments and religious authorities.
“It becomes an existential question. The state wants you to be something that you don’t want to be”, said Pooyan Tamimi Arab, one of the organizers of the Iran survey, speaking in an interview. “Political disappointment steadily turned into religious disappointment […] Iranians have turned away from institutional religion on an unprecedented scale.”
In a similar vein, Turkish art historian Nese Yildiran recently warned that a fatwa issued by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Directorate of Religious Affairs or Diyanet declaring popular talismans to ward off “the evil eye” as forbidden by Islam fuelled criticism of one of the best-funded branches of government.
The fatwa followed the issuance of similar religious opinions banning the dying of men’s moustaches and beards, feeding dogs at home, tattoos, and playing the national lottery as well as statements that were perceived to condone or belittle child abuse and violence against women.
Funded by a Washington-based Iranian human rights groups, the Iranian survey, coupled with other research and opinion polls across the Middle East and North Africa, suggests that not only Muslim youth, but also other age groups, who are increasingly sceptical towards religious and worldly authority, aspire to more individual, more spiritual experiences of religion.
Their quest runs the gamut from changes in personal religious behaviour to conversions in secret to other religions because apostasy is banned and, in some cases, punishable by death to an abandonment of religion in favour of agnosticism or atheism.
Responding to the Iranian survey, 80% of the participants said they believed in God but only 32.2% identified themselves as Shiite Muslims, a far lower percentage than asserted in official figures of predominantly Shiite Iran.
More than a third of the respondents said that they either did not belong to a religion or were atheists or agnostics. Between 43 and 53%, depending on age group, suggested that their religious views had changed over time with 6% of those saying that they had converted to another religious orientation.
Sixty-eight per cent said they opposed the inclusion of religious precepts in national legislation. Seventy per cent rejected public funding of religious institutions while 56% opposed mandatory religious education in schools. Almost 60% admitted that they do not pray, and 72% disagreed with women being obliged to wear a hijab in public.
An unpublished slide of the survey shows the change in religiosity reflected in the fact that an increasing number of Iranians no longer name their children after religious figures.
A five-minute YouTube clip allegedly related to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards attacked the survey despite having distributed the questionnaire once the pollsters disclosed in their report that the poll had been supported by an exile human rights group.
“Tehran may well be the least religious capital in the Middle East. Clerics dominate the news headlines and play the communal elders in soap operas, but I never saw them on the street, except on billboards. Unlike most Muslim countries, the call to prayer is almost inaudible […] Alcohol is banned but home delivery is faster for wine than for pizza […] Religion felt frustratingly hard to locate and the truly religious seemed sidelined, like a minority”, wrote journalist Nicholas Pelham based on a visit in 2019 during which he was detained for several weeks.
The survey’s results as well as observations by analysts and journalists like Mr. Pelham stroke with responses to various polls of Arab public opinion in recent years that showed that, despite 40% of those polled defining religion as the most important constituent element of their identity, 66% saw a need for religious institutions to be reformed.
The polls suggested further that public opinion would support the reconceptualization of Muslim jurisprudence to remove obsolete and discriminatory concepts like that of the kafir (“infidel”).
Responses by governments in Iran, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East to changing attitudes towards religion and religiosity demonstrate the degree to which they perceive the change as a threat, often expressed in existential terms.
In one of the latest responses, Mohammad Mehdi Mirbaqeri, a prominent Shiite cleric and member of Iran’s powerful Assembly of Experts that appoints the country’s supreme leader, last month described Covid-19 as a “secular virus” and a declaration of war on “religious civilization” and “religious institutions.”
Saudi Arabia went further by defining the “calling for atheist thought in any form” with terrorism in its anti-terrorism law. Saudi dissident and activist Rafi Badawi was sentenced on charges of apostasy to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes for questioning why Saudis should be obliged to adhere to Islam and asserting that the faith did not have answers to all questions.
Analysts, writers, journalists, and pollsters have traced changes in attitudes in the Middle East and North Africa for much of the past decade.
Kuwaiti writer Sajed al-Abdali noted in 2012 that “it is essential that we acknowledge today that atheism exists and is increasing in our society, especially among our youth, and evidence of this is in no short supply.”
Mr. Arab argues nine years later that his latest survey “shows that there is a social basis” for concern among authoritarian and autocratic governments that employ religion to further their geopolitical goals and seek to maintain their grip on potentially restive populations. ■
Nader (24 February 2021, 21:51)
What is most amazing is the 32% who continue to be Muslim.
xxxyyyzzz (26 February 2021, 19:50)
I do not trust this study. I know a lot of Iranians. They say something, but think otherwise. These people are very Muslim, but they try to hide it. In fact, they are ashamed of being Muslim. But they are always on the side of other Muslims, in reality reality life. For these reasons, they always vote for the liberals (the democrats in the US), because they feel closer to the ARabs than to the westerners.
Nader (28 February 2021, 02:59)
"I know a lot of Iranians. They say something, but think otherwise."
No, you dont.
Jeffrey Carpenter (28 February 2021, 13:21)
xxxyyyzzz said: "they feel closer to the ARabs than to the westerners"
I know many Iranians here in LA. They all despise Arabs and other muslims, but really all of them. They even have a misplaced sense of superiority towards Arabs. But they are also antisemitic. That’s why they support the Palestinians, not because they like Arabs, but because they don’t like Jews. In fact, Iranians are one of the most racist people in the world.
That said, they are very cool!
Franz IV (1 March 2021, 18:59)
1- Islam is not a religion in the literal sense (Latin religio) but a state and social system and therefore cannot be compared with religions in the original sense.
2- The reforms in Christianity led the believers back to the message of Christ, to the original source. When reforms take place in Islam, we have ISIS, Poko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Nussra Front, Husb Allah, etc., because Muslims seek a life like the Prophet’s at the time.
3- Islamic history testifies that occasionally there were moderate Khalifs who did not want to implement Islam literally, but only for a short period of time, because Islam always returns to its original, wild nature. Islam can only be reformed in this sense
4- Islamic ideology and doctrine, as found in the Qur’an, the Sunna and Islamic jurisprudence, confirms the fact that Islam is fascist in nature and can never contribute to the coexistence of peoples. History also bears witness to the fact that Islam aims to gain the upper hand when it has the opportunity. Remember: Muslims will never allow themselves to be led by non-Muslims when they form the majority. When the number of Muslims in Germany reaches 25%, it will be the beginning of the end. The so-called moderate Muslims will not be able to do anything about it. 100 years of Arab nationalism, which was launched against Islamism, ended in only 5 years.
Умаров (3 March 2021, 18:49)
Если бы я хотел построить теократическую , тоталитарную олигархию , то я бы это делал по другому относительно того что сейчас ! Моя цель также доказать что мусульманская страна может стать совершенной демократией !
Texan Expat (16 March 2021, 23:40)
I think that’s a very erroneous conclusion that a lot of people make from watching anecdotal videos of women burning away their hijabs or people fighting against the mullahs. Or they might even show photographs of Iranians from the 1960s or ’70s, in which women are wearing miniskirts or sitting on beaches. These are very inappropriate shows of the truth of what Iran is like.
Now, the reality is that 83% of Iranians are in favor of sharia law. A large, vast majority of people in Iran would want you to be stoned to death for not believing in Islam, or particularly if you are a Muslim and if you want to give up Islam. So it’s a very hard core, fanatic society. And the few women who are protesting are just those rare one or two women who are protesting, or probably they are out of their mind at this stage, the reason they have the so-called courage to protest in public.
Dr Tabatabee (17 March 2021, 22:48)
I agree with you Mr “Texan Expat”. YES, Iranians are muslim and want to live as muslim. This kind of study is rubbish, disinformation for the preparation of so-called “Color Revolutions”. But, and the “but” is important, to be muslim doesn’t mean to be fanatic, superstitious or any downgrading labeling. Islam is the most advanced religion/belief/ideology mankind had ever experienced. To be in favor of sharia law is to be avant-gardist, progressive, modern. The Western World lives in the illusion of modernity. In fact, the Western world is an antiquity that goes back 3,000 years to the Greek "Civilisation" which was only an aesthetic barbarism.
Zand (15 April 2021, 08:16)
Response to "Texan Expat"
You have a very phantasmagorical knowledge of Iran and Iranians. To prove you are wrong, just one single fact: among all these Islamic terrorists in the world, planting bombs, cutting off heads, stabbing women, there is not a single Iranian, never. We are now in the month of ramadan and in all other muslim countries they strictly observe it, not in Iran. The 1979 revolution was a bad experience, but we have learned a lot and we have changed, deeply.