So Turkey seems to be a safe haven, and its leader could therefore have his hands free for his Ottoman adventures by attacking both Russia (through Syria) and Europe (through Greece).
Or maybe things are going very badly for Erdogan and he would have only one solution to save himself from bankruptcy: robbery and blackmail.
The coronavirus has one merit: it does not discriminate. Yellow, black, white, poor, rich, humble, powerful, it attacks them all without any racial, ethnic or social consideration. It is also deaf to propaganda and is incorruptible. He moves forward undisturbed by the gesticulations and the make-up of the figures that all have been used to for decades.
Indeed, the cornavirus complies only with the natural laws of epidemics that Erdogan cannot escape. One cannot imagine by what miracle cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, which are heavily visited by Iranians, would not be infested by the disease. But, instead of taking care of the health of its population, Turkey is engaging in the most vulgar banditry by seeking to resurrect ISIS in Idlib and attacking the Greek border by fomenting a migration crisis.
The truth is Erdogan’s adventures cost money and damage the economic health of Turkey. The Turkish Lira is much weakened, and the prospects for development are not so bright. Moreover, in Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Chinese are increasingly monopolising this privileged market of the “Turkish brothers”.
Erdogan therefore sees only one solution: to make the Americans, the Arabs and especially the Europeans pay.
Alas for Erdogan, the timetable is not favourable to him. The current pandemic is much more serious than we think. Turkey will suffer from its social consequences which could destabilise it for a long time to come. ■
Анастасия (13 March 2020, 17:18)
Never Forget Serena Shim the Reporter Who Was Killed by Erdogan
Serena Shim was a Lebanese-American journalist. While covering the Siege of Kobane as a war correspondent, she was killed two days after she reported that Turkish intelligence had accused her of spying.
Helge (13 March 2020, 19:57)
Invoking "Never again as in ’33" is one of Germany’s well-rehearsed refrains. But what is that actually worth? What has this country learned from its past history of dictatorship when the German government stands by and watches Erdogan establish a dictatorship in Turkey even as the country is still treated as a candidate for EU accession and receives money from the EU to promote democracy? How can one make a pact with a man like Erdogan and at the same time, during the ritual commemoration of victims of fascism, repeatedly affirm "never again"?
El Ultimo Conquistador (13 March 2020, 20:30)
The narrow-minded Bosphorus dictator Recep Erdogan is threatening EU, its institutions, the entire member countries. Anyone who imagines that Europe is trembling like a leaf before the rhetorical excesses of the little despot with the moustache is very much mistaken. Because it’s not only me who remembers the old saying these days: "What does an oak tree care if cattle rub up against it?"
Charles Marteau (14 March 2020, 18:44)
Erdogan, bragged: "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." Erdogan has also told Turkish immigrants in Germany that "assimilation is a crime against humanity."
mohammad Tahir (27 April 2020, 16:38)
HEllo i am from afghanistan . i like istanbul very much . pipel very nice but not very muslim . they drink alcol and womans have no veil . mr erdogan will change this he is a great man
NIDAL ABUDAGGA (13 June 2020, 15:54)
Erdogan is everywhere . he is interfering militarily in Arabs affairs : Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Libya . the conflict between Arabs and Turks is much more important than the one dividing sunnits and shiits. Erdogan sees Arab countries as ottoman colonies
Joe P (21 March 2021, 08:30)
Turkey’s only purpose for the West and NATO is to contain Russia. But this is not worth the trouble, since it can very well change alliances.
alpha omega (21 March 2021, 08:36)
Turkey is an extortionist that heavily counts on and relies on the EU for money