Home > Tajikistan > Nazarailok Coal Field Stopped

Friday 2 February 2018

Nazarailok Coal Field Stopped


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DUSHANBE (Avesta news agency) — The coal mining in the field Nazarailok located in the east of Tajikistan is stopped.

The head of the State Security Oversight Service for Industry and Mining, Sanat Rahim, declared to reporters at a press conference yesterday that on the instructions of the Tajik President, coal mining in this field was stopped since the end of last year.

According to him, Nazarailok is a unique coal deposit, and the government of the republic intends to derive more benefits from the development of this field, given the presence of anthracite in the field:

At one time, the deposit was used for heating needs, taking into account the needs of the population and the economy. After reaching a record volume in coal production in the country due to other coal deposits, it was decided to stop coal mining in the "Nazarailok" field, which contains anthracite.

Mr. Rahim thinks that 22 kinds of chemicals can be obtained from anthracite, which is more beneficial. Therefore, it is necessary to find the necessary production technologies for these purposes.

According to geological data, the total volume of coal reserves in the field Nazarailok is 212.5 mln tons (estimated reserves are 400 mln tons)

The anthracite deposit Nazarailok is divided into two sections: Shikorhona (شکارخانه) and Kaftarkhona (کفترخانه). Of the existing 12 layers, the best from the technological point of view are the 4th and 6th layers. The most pure is the anthracite of strata 4 and 6.

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