Home > Tajikistan > 25 Dead During a Prisoner Riot in Khujand

Thursday 8 November 2018

25 Dead During a Prisoner Riot in Khujand


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DUSHANBE — During a riot in a prison in Khujand city, Tajikistan, 25 people were killed, including two officers (a prison guard and a special forces officer). Six other guards were wounded.

A prisoner riot broke out on the night of Thursday, November 8 in a strict regime penitentiary located in the 16th arrondissement of Khujand city. One of the prisoners, a member of the Islamic State, managed to disarm a guard, stealing his machine gun. He was joined by other prisoners who, after attacking the guards, captured one of the prison buildings. By storming the area, the special forces of the Sughd region’s internal affairs managed to quell the rebellion.

“Two police officers died during a riot, six guards were wounded and hospitalized […] Their lives are not in danger”, said one source. The source also stated that the security forces of the Sogd oblast had been placed under a strengthened rights regime, with all exits and entrances to Khujand being closely monitored.

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