Thursday 29 April 2021
IRGC Commander: Soleimani Has a Place in the Hearts of all Iranians
Keywords: Iran, Iranian Nuclear Crisis
TEHRAN (IRNA) – Following leaks of Javad Zarif’s confidences, Major Gen. Hossein Salami on Wednesday came to the defence of his former corps commander, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike at President Trump’s order.
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Hossein Salami, said the former IRGC Quds Force commander General Qasem Soleimani is highly respectable. “Martyr Soleimani has a place in the hearts of all Iranians and he can no longer be separated from the hearts.”
Zarif’s revelations have deeply tarnished General Soleimani’s image by portraying him as an agent of Russia at the detriment of Iranian interests. These recent disclosures are amplifying anti-Russian (and also anti-Chinese) sentiments among the Iranian population.
Mazyar (29 April 2021, 11:00)
This idiot is acknowledging the regime weakness. If he is saying all this (Soleimani blah blah) it is because people think the opposite, otherwise why insist on it?
enghelabi (29 April 2021, 11:34)
تو این حکومت جمزوری اسلامی همه چیز کشک و پشمه. این بابا سلیمانی هم که گوزو درآمد.
farid Kamalizadeh (29 April 2021, 12:05)
تف به روی توی خائن وطنفروش که اینجور به قهرمان ملی ایران اهانت میکنی. کیرم تو کوس ننت.
enghelabi (29 April 2021, 13:05)
اگر ننه نود و چهار ساله این بنده که دچار آلزایمر هم میباشد باب میل دودول طلای شما است، حرفی نیست. اما وایگرا فراموش نشود چون گویا از نوجوانی با اشکالاتی مواجه هستید که نوعی ظلم است بر شما از سوی طبیعت. بیشتر دعا و نمازبخوانید شاید معجزه رخ بدهد.
August von Mackensen (29 April 2021, 18:33)
I have the strong suspicion that General Soleimani was more a propaganda tool than a military reality, a bit like the Soviet generals of the WW2. What are Soleimani’s real feats of arms? We don’t know, and yet I looked into it. He was all over the place taking pictures, but what he was doing "concretely", nobody knows. From all the revelations of the last few days, I would say that he was a front man for the Russians, because the real actors in Syria and elsewhere in the region are the Russians and not the Iranians. By using a Muslim front the Russians are avoiding what they suffered in Afghanistan.
Dan86 (29 April 2021, 18:56)
"What are Soleimani’s real feats of arms? We don’t know..."
Of course we know. Soleimani was responsible for at least 603 American deaths in Iraq.
F. Hamilton (29 April 2021, 18:56)
These kinds of shortcuts are irrelevant. Maybe, and I mean maybe, 603 Americans were killed in Iraq by Iranian-backed guerrillas, but that doesn’t mean Soleimani was directly involved. We don’t know whether the Iraqis fighting the Americans are under direct Iranian command, which I don’t believe so, or whether they are simply receiving some logistical help from them.
Richard from Dubai (29 April 2021, 22:25)
I agree with August.
We know nothing about Soleimani. Also, Iran has no interest in fighting a war in Iraq, Syria or Yemen, Russia does. Yemen was a sattelite of the Soviet Union, and Syria and Iraq were ruled by bathist socialist parties close to the Soviet Union. In other words, the problem is not Iran, which no longer really exists, the problem is Russia, which is in control of Iran.
xxxyyyzzz (29 April 2021, 22:57)
Stupid Americans I recommend you worry about the complete loss of your freedoms at home before worrying about what is going on in Iran - ffs wake up. This is a diversion.
Haven (30 April 2021, 00:07)
I read in the comments everywhere that the assassination of Soleimani is a war crime. Nonsense! He was a military man on a mission in a third country to coordinate actions against a country, ours, that he was fighting. Stop talking crap.
The far right is so blinded by its hatred of Israel that it is acting as a press agent for Iran. And the Iranians are exploiting this to develop sympathy for themselves.
Camelot Rant (30 April 2021, 00:22)
@xxxyyyzzz "This is a diversion"
You are making diversion. What is happening in Iran matters because Iran is controlled by Russia while the DemocRats are in collusion with them. Meanwhile, Trump was impeached for false accusations about Russia. This, is a diversion.