Friday 21 May 2021
European Parliament to Freeze China Investment Deal
BEIJING (CGTN Global Watch) – In a sign of worsening relations between China and the European Union, the European Parliament halted the ratification of a new investment deal with China until Beijing lifted sanctions on EU Politicians.
A major investment agreement between China and the European Union has been dealt another blow. On Thursday, the European Parliament passed a motion to freeze the ratification process, and urged China to lift sanctions on EU lawmakers, which were imposed earlier this year.
Beijing says the investment agreement is a balanced deal, not a “gift”.
Farrukh Dinshawji (21 May 2021, 15:41)
The European Union and India discuss a global infrastructure agreement. It could provide an alternative to Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative..
Joe P (21 May 2021, 17:47)
China’s pre-pandemic vaccine development: 2 weeks before announcing that the coronavirus is contagious… new reports say China had already started developing a vaccine.
金英文二世 (21 May 2021, 18:38)
More than 1,000 racist acts against Asians have been reported in Canada since the beginning of the pandemic. In 2020, hate crimes against this community jumped by 700% in Vancouver, 600% in Ottawa and 500% in Montreal. Then there was the Atlanta shooting, where six Asian women died.
Jonahtan (21 May 2021, 23:12)
Where is the job for young people on the EU territory! Where is the production on the EU territory? 80% of the things we consume must be produced on the EU territory, then there will be work and a high standard of living for our citizens.