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Ancient and Modern Cities Obeyed Same Mathematical Rule
22 February 2015, by Ary DEHBONEI -
CSTO Creates “Analytical Association of Information and Analysis”
11 March 2013 -
Central Asian Artists in Oman
13 February 2013, by Catherine BISSON-SERIAN -
Decision Time for Central Asia: Russia or China?
30 January 2013 -
Central Asia in the Last Economic Prospects of the World Bank
16 January 2013 -
Washington Must Adapt to Diminished Role in Central Asia
5 December 2012 -
EU’s Foreign-Policy Chief Visiting Central Asia
26 November 2012 -
CAREC Ministers Agree on $23 Billion Action Plan to Boost Central Asia Links
31 October 2012 -
The Eurasian Development Bank Publishes Results of Integration Barometer Researchs
20 September 2012, by Catherine BISSON-SERIAN -
2012 Summer Olympics: Central Asia Harvest
13 August 2012