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Friday 21 June 2019

Summer Solstice Celebrated at Stonehenge

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LONDON (Ruptly) — Druids, pagans and sun worshippers gathered at the Avebury stone circle near the prehistoric Stonehenge centre in Salisbury, Wiltshire on Friday, to see in the summer solstice.

Visitors were mellow as they were met with a bright sunrise, following rainy weather the previous evening. Gathered in and around the ancient rocks, participants danced and clapped for the ceremonial event.

The summer solstice is celebrated by thousands of pagans around the world, with Stonehenge believed to have functioned as a site for the ritual over 4,000 years ago. However, the area has only come back into use for pagan rituals since the beginning of the 20th century, with paganism having become one of Europe’s fastest growing religions in the last 30 years.

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