Home > Kazakhstan > President Nazarbayev Invited To G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg

Sunday 24 February 2013

President Nazarbayev Invited To G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg


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MOSCOW (Kazinform) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Russia Galym Orazbakov was invited to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation in Moscow on Friday, the embassy’s press service says.

At the meeting, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Denisov presented a personal invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin to Kazakh Leader Nursultan Nazarbayev to attend the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg in September 2013, the press release reads.

Five non-G20 member countries, including Spain and Singapore, were also kindly invited to the high profile event.

Kazakhstan is the first and only country on the post-Soviet territory to be honoured with the invitation to participate in the September top-level meeting.

This gesture is a reflection of good neighbour relations between Russia and Kazakhstan and unshakable authority of Kazakhstan in the international arena.

Ambassador Orazbakov thanked the Russian side for the invitation and stressed the importance of the forthcoming event in the context of changing tendencies in the global economy.

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