Thursday 29 March 2018
Kazakhstan Exports 250,000 tons of Kashagan Sulphur
Keywords: Kashagan Oil Field
ATYRAU (KazInform) – 1.5 mln tons of sulphur has been extracted from the oil produced at Kashagan field, Atyrau region.
“In October 2017, we started exporting Kashagan sulphur by railway. Production of granulated sulphur has increased. By the end of the year export of sulphur amounted to more than 100,000 tons. In total since the start of production there have been produced more than 1.5 mln tons of sulphur. By today we have exported more than 250,000 tons of sulphur”, Bruno Jardin, Managing Director of NCOC told Kazinform.
According to Bruno Jardin, the extracted sulphur is supplied by pipelines in a liquid condition in two directions — to the sulphur blocks and to the plant for granulation. Once design capacity is reached sulphur blocks will no longer be stacked. The entire sulphur produced will be exported.
The company also plans to melt and process accumulated sulphur blocks into granules. The ready granulated sulphur is supplied to the conveyer belts and is loaded onto the railcars which go to Karabatan to one of the NCOC shareholder companies which handles sale of sulphur and other North-Caspian project products. The potential sale markets are China and the countries of West Mediterranean where sulphur is used as a raw material for production of agricultural fertilizers, Bruno Jardin added.
hiren (1 December 2018, 07:27)
Want to buy sulphur from india