Home > Misc > Iraqi Protesters Attack Iranian Consulate in Karbala

Monday 4 November 2019

Iraqi Protesters Attack Iranian Consulate in Karbala

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BAGHDAD (Ruptly) — On the eve of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the hostage-taking of the American Embassy in Tehran, the Consulate of the Islamic Republic was attacked by young Iraqis.

Dozens of protesters surrounded and attacked the Iranian consulate in Karbala on Sunday, where they scaled the walls and raised an Iraqi flag.

Footage shows the protesters surrounding the barriers around the consulate. Fires were started and protesters can then be seen climbing the walls and carrying Iraqi flags. According to reports, police fired live ammunition in an attempt to disperse the crowds, but there were no immediate reports of injuries resulting from the demonstrations. Protesters can be seen showing empty bullet casings.

In recent days, on the fringes of demonstrations of discontent, an increase in anti-Iranian sentiments has been witnessed, including among the Shiites.

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