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Saturday 25 July 2020

Greek Gods Celebrated at Mount Olympus

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ATHENS (Ruptly) — A traditional festival honouring ancient Greek gods, dubbed Prometheia, took place in the foothills of Mount Olympus on Friday.

The festival, called Prometheia in honour to Prometheus, is an annual event with different activities related to Greek mythology, including theatrical shows, religious ceremonies, as well as sports from ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek culture enthusiasts were seen wearing Greek costumes, holding a ceremony at Dion Village and passing a torch with the Olympic flame to an athlete, who was in charge of carrying it to Litohoro Village. A large group of people could later be spotted attending a theatre where artists performed a play from Lucian of Samosata.

“We are here for ancient Greek events including theatrical, dance, music, name giving ceremonies and anything to do basically with the ancient Greek culture”, stated a participant.

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  • To whom this may concern,

    My name is Zac Baker, and I am really interested in Ancient Greek culture. I have a few questions regarding your beliefs in Greek Mythology, and would greatly appreciate if you would be able to provide some insight for me.

    What are the key beliefs of individuals who believe in Greek Mythology, and how does the annual event called Prometheia help express your beliefs?

    What are the key events and traditions of Prometheia, and what is the importance of each event?

    Thank you very much, Zac Baker

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