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Monday 9 September 2019

France-Russia Meeting in “2+2” Format

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MOSCOW (Ruptly, TASS) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu hold today a meeting with their French counterparts Jean-Yves Le Drian and Florence Parley respectively in Moscow.

The diplomats are expected to discuss the situation in Ukraine, as well as recent developments in the Persian Gulf, Levant and Central African Republic.

The last Russia-France meeting in the “2+2” format took place in Paris in October 2012.

Speaking at a meeting of French ambassadors on August 27, a week after a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron said that the era of Western dominance in the world was coming to an end due to geopolitical changes. He was certain that the development of partnership with Russia was required to create “a new trust and security architecture in Europe.”

France to foster dialogue on major geostrategic challenges with Russia
France expects to have a candid and demanding dialogue on major geostrategic challenges with Russia, French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly said in an interview with TASS in the run-up to the talks between the Russian and French top diplomats and defense chiefs.

Florence Parly stressed that the parties would search for ways to deepen bilateral relations in Moscow in accordance with the two presidents’ wishes following their meeting at Fort de Bregancon. She stressed that the parties would search for ways to deepen bilateral relations in Moscow in accordance with the two presidents’ wishes following their meeting at Fort de Bregancon. She noted:

There are many geostrategic challenges, on which France and Russia have shared interests.


Of course, we disagree with each other on some issues, but this is what prompts us to strengthen dialogue. We want to foster a candid and demanding dialogue on all these issues showing openness and also putting forward our conditions.

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