ANKARA (anews) – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called Israel a “terror state” on Saturday after Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards Palestinian youth at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque on Friday.
Speaking at an event in Istanbul, Erdogan called on all Muslim countries and the international community to take “effective” steps against Israel, adding that those who remain silent were “a party to the cruelty there.”
The clashes at Islam’s third-holiest site and around East Jerusalem, which injured at least 205 Palestinians and 17 police officers, came amid mounting anger over the potential eviction of Palestinians from homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers. Israel’s Supreme Court will hold a hearing on the case on Monday.
Dodge Charger 69 (11 May 2021, 00:44)
Most Americans, whose government gives Israel over $10 million per day, have no idea that Israel commits human rights abuses every single day, since US media virtually never report this information: that Israeli forces daily invade Palestinian villages, daily abduct people, and daily injure people; that virtually every week Israeli forces destroy farmers’ trees, demolish family homes, confiscate Palestinian land, and more..
Surena (11 May 2021, 01:08)
As Muslims, Palestinian entire house of cards is based on lies. Anything a Palestinian says is a lie. They are nothing more than a limited hangout seditious Muslims shilling for Allah. They are part of a satanic death cult and I hope they all burn in hell.
Dan86 (11 May 2021, 03:16)
There’s never been a country/state called Palestine. Palestine was only the name of a region. The so-called "Palestinians" are nothing more than Arab Bedouins; nothing differentiates them from Saudis or Jordanians.