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Tuesday 6 November 2018

Delivery Date of S-400 to Saudi Arabia is Being Discussed

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MOSCOW (TASS) — A final decision on the likely dates of supplying air defence systems S-400 to Saudi Arabia has not been made yet, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Moscow, Raed Khaled Qrimli, said on Tuesday. The documents on the supplies were finalized in February, Russia’s presidential aide for military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin said earlier.

“The discussion is still in progress, no final decision has been made yet”, Qrimli said in reply to a question from TASS during a visit a group of foreign ambassadors paid to the All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art.

Russia’s presidential aide for military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin said in February 2018 all documents concerning the supply of S-400 to Saudi Arabia had been signed and all parameters agreed.

Mihail Mokrushin / Sputnik)

Russia has already agreed to deliver the S-400 to Turkey and India. The sale of the anti-aircraft systems to US allies — Turkey and Saudi Arabia — was criticized in Washington, but did not affect the outcome of the deals. The S-400 is Russia’s most advanced long-range mobile air defence system. It can utilize at least four types of interceptor missiles to destroy various targets including planes, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles.

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