BISHKEK ( news agency) – Due to decrease of official dollar exchange rate, tariffs for natural gas to be reduced in May in Kyrgyzstan.
The new tariffs for natural gas in May 2015 are:
- Population:13.87 soms/m³
- Industrial enterprises, commercial structures and budgetary organizations: 17.04 soms/m³ (including VAT and sales taxes).
According to the press-secretary of Gazprom Kyrgyzstan LLC Rysbek Arunov, the company is obliged to carry out recalculation of the monthly payment at the official exchange rate of the som to the US dollar, established the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on the first day of each month.
“Reducing the rate compared with April is by 0.8 soms for the population and 0.9 for the industry, businesses and public offices due to a decrease of the official dollar exchange rate, which as of May 1, 2015 comprises 59.64 soms per dollar. In approving the tariffs in April the dollar was 63.88 soms”, the company informed.