Home > Kyrgyzstan > Attack on Russian Businessman in Bishkek

Friday 10 August 2018

Attack on Russian Businessman in Bishkek


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BISHKEK (Kaktus) — An explosion occurred in the yard of the house of a Russian businessman, Alexander Gaidukov, at the intersection of Isanov and Ryskulov Streets at about 11.20AM today. According to preliminary data, it was an assassination attempt.

The victim got off with scratches, and the explosive device was under his Lexus 570.

Gaidukov had already experienced attempted murder in 2016, but the responsible was not found.

Gaidukov is the founder of several companies in Kyrgyzstan. One of them, LLC “Bishkek-Expo” is engaged in the production of food products. Another is LLC “NS Information Consulting”, registered in Bishkek in August 2017, in which he holds the position of director and the founder. Officially, the company provides advice on business and management matters, and has his address where the attack took place, i.e. Isanov, N° 98a.

Gaidukov is also a founder of ZAO Kay Suppro, which deals with wholesale trade. The company is registered at the same address of Isanov, 98a. The director is Marat Kenzhisariyev, the former head of the State Committee for Defence Affairs.

The Bishkek Research Centre for Traumatology and Orthopedics informed 24.kg news agency that Russian businessman, who suffered from the explosion, refused hospital treatment. It is specified that the victim was slightly injured. “He has a foreign body in his hands and hip. He did not want to undergo treatment in hospital”, the centre reported.

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