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Kyrgyz Parliament Ratifies Treaty on Accession to EEU


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BISHKEK (Interfax) – Kyrgyz parliamentarians on Wednesday approved the ratification of the treaty on Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), which was signed by President Almazbek Atambayev in Moscow on December 23, 2014, the parliament press service told Interfax on Wednesday.

The source said the approved document consists of the main part of the treaty, which states the fact of Kyrgyzstan’s accession and contains the main conditions of this process and the procedures for enacting it. The package ratified by the parliamentarians also contains two protocols to the treaty, which were signed in Moscow on May 8, 2015.

The source said the approved treaty has appendixes that contain the list of treaties and agreements constituting the law of the Union, which Kyrgyzstan is also joining.

The press service said 26 laws and 21 government decrees have been adopted in the process of the implementation of the roadmaps to join Kyrgyzstan to the EEU. Additionally, work is being done on another 17 bills and 55 draft governments decrees that yet remain to be adopted in the process of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the EEU.

The press service said the ratification of the treaty was backed b both pro-government and opposition factions of the parliament.

The leaders of the factions who spoke at the session stated “the importance and timeliness of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the EEU, which opens up big opportunities to the republic.”

Kyrgyzstan stagnant domestic economy primarily depends on foreign financial aid and on remittances from Kyrgyz migrant workers in Russia and Kazakhstan. Official reports on the number of migrants working in Russia indicate that over 500,000 Kyrgyz nationals, out of the country’s population of 5.7 mln, travel abroad to find work. The real number may well be up to a million. Seasonal workforce remittances to Kyrgyzstan from Russia and Kazakhstan, both EEU member states, amount to 25-30% GDP every year. According to the World Bank, over 2.1 mln Kyrgyz citizens lived below the poverty line in 2013. And because of the economic crisis in Russia, many migrants are now returning home due to lack of work abroad.

An overwhelming majority of the migrants believe that they will benefit from Kyrgyzstan’s accession into the EEU. The Russian authorities, they believe, will lift the restrictions imposed on workers from the Kyrgyz Republic. Additionally, the country’s agricultural sector is optimistic about economic benefits from the union, which is projected to ease trade barriers for farmers who export their products to neighbouring Kazakhstan and may grant new opportunities for business in the Russian market.

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