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Uzbekistan establishes new insurance company


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Tashkent (Trend) – The Uzbek Finance Ministry issued a license to provide services on 13 types of general voluntary insurance of the “DD General Insurance” company, a report said.

The insurance company was established as a limited liability company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Dori-Darmon. It is the largest wholesale and retail enterprise of the Uzbek pharmaceutical market. The authorized capital was € 1.6 million.

At present, the minimum charter capital of insurance companies operating in general insurance is set to € 750,000, life insurance at € 1 million, the companies working on compulsory insurance € 1.5 million, and reinsurance companies at € 4 million.

Dori-Darmon was established in 2005. The largest shareholders of the company with a registered capital of 16.058 billion soums are the State Property Committee, having 36.1% of shares and Chester Trading & Investments (U.S) 34.9%.

At present, there are 228 pharmacies, 822 pharmacy branches, 655 of which are in rural areas, including 565 branches of pharmacy in rural medical posts.

As of 2010, trade turnover was 117.546 billion soums, net income amounted to 13.2 billion soums compared to 11.7 billion soums a year earlier (12.8% increase).

Past government reforms and development measures have rendered some very successful years for the insurance sector. The developments began after the de-monopolization of the insurance sector, after which a number of private insurance companies started to grow. The state insurance company Uzgosstrah was restructured by the presidential decree “On the formation of a State Joint Stock Insurance Company Uzagrosugurta” from February 25th, 1997.

The next step was to create large and reliable state insurance companies. In connection to this, the end of the 1990s saw the creation of specialized insurance companies such as the National Export Import-Insurance Company Uzbekinvest, specialized in insurance protection of export-import operations; SJSIC Uzagrosugurta, specializing in insurance of agricultural risks; and the city insurance company SJSIC Kafolat; and IA Madad, specializing in small and medium enterprises. The number of insurance companies operating in Uzbekistan in 2008 was 31, of which 29 worked in non-life insurance market and one operated in life insurance. There was also one re-insurance company.

Due to the decrees of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures to foster development of the service sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2006-2010” from April 2006, and the resolution “On measures to further reform and develop the insurance services market” from April 2007, the insurance market witnessed dramatic growth. In figures, total insurance premiums were US$ 40 million in 2006, US$ 57 million in 2007 and US$ 64.5 million in 2008.

Insurance in Uzbekistan is divided into four types: voluntary property insurance, voluntary liability insurance, voluntary personal insurance and mandatory insurance. As of 2008, 91.7% of the premiums of US$54 million was collected on voluntary insurance products. This was a 20% increase over the previous year. It is worth noting that both personal and liability insurance developed actively in 2008. The growth rate of these insurance products made up 42.2% and 42.9% respectively. Premiums on property insurance rose by 14.7% and the share of property insurance in total collected premiums comprised 68.2%. In 2008, the share of mandatory insurance in the total volume of collected premiums rose by a factor of 1.6 and made up 8.3%. Premiums collected on mandatory insurance products doubled to US$ 5 million in 2008.

In 2008, the payouts volume doubled to US$ 1.48 million compared to the previous year. The volume of payouts on voluntary insurance products rose by a factor of 1.5, while payouts in the volume on mandatory products fell by the same figure.

In 2008, the five market leaders collected 57.72% of all net premiums for the given period. Uzagrosugurta was the leader of the market with 28.86% of the market share, followed by Kafolat and Uzbekinvest with market shares of 9.75% and 9.57% respectively. Kapital Sugurta was number 4 in the hierarchy with a 5.38% market share and number 5 was Asia Inshurans scoring 4.16%.

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